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Book Tour + GIVEAWAY: Bitroux: High Country by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes

  Bitroux: High Country  Jordan Harcourt-Hughes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Genre:  Science Fiction View on Amazon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLURB: If Merouac ever thought his life’s work would culminate in leading the metal workshops of the Transcontinental Railroad Project, he was sorely mistaken.   Now, his true challenge lies in navigating the other-worldly abilities he’s only beginning to understand—abilities that allow him to tune metal to interdimensional frequencies. While trying to be a guardian to his niece, Evra, he’s realising she may have more to teach him than he ever expected. At the same time, his decision to help an interdimensional race find refuge underground puts him at the centre of an even deeper mystery. As reality reshapes itself around him, Merouac faces a growing realisation: the world of Ahm is on the brink of a profound transformation, and everything he thought he knew may soon be shattered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXCERPT : ‘Well, yes,’ s...

Review: The Apartment Across the Hall by Jack Dane



First, I would like to thank the author and Hidden Gems for providing me with a free advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Twisty and twisted

Salem’s new apartment has issues. Not only does her stove not work, but her neighbor plays TV at a deafening volume all night long, the super never answers the door, and the man living across the hall just might be a serial killer. After seeing her handsome neighbor escort a gorgeous woman into his apartment, Salem becomes obsessed with the woman’s well-being. The problem is that due to her history of mental illness, even her only friend doesn’t believe her concerns are valid.

The twists in The Apartment Across the Hall were entirely unexpected! I love when a psychological thriller can take me by complete surprise. The skills Salem learned in her youth, such as picking locks, prove to be invaluable. Even though she suffered abuse from her mother growing up and was institutionalized multiple times, at no time did I doubt that her intuition was leading her astray. This is the first book I have read by Jack Dane, and I will most certainly be reading his other published works!

Audience: adult
Trigger warnings: violence, torture, death, murder
Recommended for fans of: psychological thrillers

Publisher's Synopsis:

They say you can’t pick your neighbors...but can you survive them?

When Salem Ripley moves into her apartment in New York City, she’s disheartened to find it isn’t exactly like the pictures. Still, with her past, she’s lucky to find a place at all.

Her neighbor across the hall is tall, dark and handsome. After seeing his beautiful girlfriend, Salem can’t help but obsess over the couple and their perfect life.

Then Salem sees her neighbor with another girl. And another. And another. The strangest part? She never sees the women leave.

Salem should ignore it...After all, it’s really none of her business. But she can’t shake the strange feeling that something is wrong–and that lives are at stake. She has no choice–she has to find out what’s going on in the apartment across the hall...


Hidden Gems

©Back Alley Press: January 3, 2025
Edition: digital ARC, read on Kindle Unlimited
230 pages

Read The Apartment Across the Hall on Kindle Unlimited!
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